Wholesale - Dwarven Heart of the Mountain Roast
Regular price $11.00
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As bold as the Dwarves who brew this coffee, the Dwarven Heart of the Mountain Roast is a perfectly medium to medium dark roast, with great flavors. Salted caramel, silky smooth with finishing touches of citrus, this coffee will definitely not leave you wanting! Make this coffee a staple in your house hold as the Dwarves have in their forges and mines.
All Coffee from Geek House Coffee is roasted in small batches, ground and packaged to order.
Please read the Dwarven Heart of the Mountain Roast backstory below to learn of this divine bean and what it means to every Dwarf.
Dwarven Heart of the Mountain Roast's Backstory
Tradition states that the Heart of the Mountain Roast is a powerful cup, brewed from beans of the ancient trees at the heart of the mountains planted by their patron God, Moradin himself. It is told through song and story over the generations that the power of the coffee extracted by the original sages of the first Dwarves are what gives them their unending strength and stamina.
This coffee has been served to the ranks of Dwarf solders on the ongoing front-line battles against orcs and goblins for a thousand years. A single cup gives a Dwarf who is just and true at heart the strength of the mountain and stone walled courage. Dwarves still regard Heart of the Mountain Roast as a cultural treasure and are very careful with outsiders with whom they allow to indulge in its glory. A medium roasted coffee, with salted caramel with silky sweet hints of citrus and a full-bodied aroma make this coffee a staple to be enjoyed at any Dwarven forge, hearth or mine.
Wholesale Order Minimums
12oz bags= Minimum order of 15 bags
1lb bags= Minimum order of 15 bags
2lb bags= Minimum order of 8 bags
5lb bags= Minimum order of 2 bags
Coffee Stats
- Single Origin
- 100% Beans from Peru
- Medium to Medium-dark
- Salted caramel, citrus
- Organic
DM Notes
Organic: Coffee can be called organic if it is certified to have grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Prohibited substances include most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

As a coffee addict I am always looking for a better cup. The Arcane Coffee is one of the smoothest, best tasting coffees I've ever had. Absolutely recommend buying this. Easy site to use, shipped fast.. I'm a forever customer now.
Theresa Deacon
I have been getting my coffee in the morning on the way to work. Now I have been making my coffee at home and bringing it with me! Smooth and delicious! I will be buying another lb of coffee when I finish this one.
Chrissy Wilkins